Saturday, October 29, 2011

Find Out How You Can Loss Weight With HCG

By Beth Roberts

HCG Weight Loss is known as a revolutionary weight-loss system that enables dieters to lose up to a pound each day. Designed to protect the body's organs and natural functions while also enabling quick weight loss, it's effective, safe, and all-natural. Growing in popularity due to media coverage, celebrity usage and positive, personal testimonials, it is a weight loss system that has become famous since it works.

Most consumers take HCG in a drop form, since it is natural and comparatively cheap. For the most part, Hcg diet drops are taken sublingually for quick absorption and range from 14-60 days. It's so effective, that dieters can customize their weight loss and basically do the diet as long as it takes to reach their weight reduction goals. Those people who are seeking to lose only 5 pounds or individuals who have over 100 to shed can profit from the HCG diet.

Both men and women can easily benefit from HCG Weight Loss, despite what some might think. Many refer to the HCG diet and protocol as "The Pregnancy Diet." It is because women can produce as much as one million international units per day of the HCG hormone when they are pregnant. This hormone in their body system is what protects the fetus and enables it to get the nutrition it needs by burning the mother's extra fat, while still leaving the healthy fat and muscle tissues alone.

Even though pregnant women produce this particular hormone, the hormone is equally as effective for men when taken along with the diet protocol. Even though the HCG hormone is derived primarily from women, it is not a sex hormone, and will not negatively affect men or women. In fact, it really works just as well for men and women, and can promote healthy weight reduction for both.

Interestingly, the benefits of HCG weight loss will not end at weight loss, as many dieters have learned to realize. Many dieters report that the advantages of their HCG diet experience continue beyond their initial weight reduction, as they are more aware of what their body can handle, and how they can prevent future weight gain. They report an increased awareness of healthier foods, as well as the ability to make smarter food decisions.

Many dieters also believe that their rapid weight loss enables them to make better lifestyle choices. Simply because they no longer have excessive weight holding them down, they can exercise with a lot more comfort and stamina. Traveling is actually easier for many people, and sleeping patterns improve. Although the weight reduction is what the dieters were seeking initially, self-esteem improves as well as many other aspects of daily modern life.

Many HCG diet drops have additional benefits including energy boosters and appetite suppressants to help ease dieters into the low-calorie diet and quick weight loss. Because of this, the HCG weight loss is both comfortable and effective - two areas of dieting which typically do not coexist. The diet drops can also contain additional herbs and vitamins which can provide further vitamin support to those on the diet.

With obesity percentages increasing nationwide, many dieters are searching for an ideal way to shed the weight that is holding them back. With the additional herbs and vitamins included in the HCG diet menu, it is easier to reach weight loss goals and keep the weight off after it has been lost. Weight loss is attainable for all who sign up for the HCG diet, and stick to the diet protocol as established by Dr. Simeons.

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