Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How To Help Curb Your Food Intake With The Sensa Weight Loss System

By Keith Edwards

Many people face a constant battle to maintain a healthy size. Those who have successfully lost those extra pounds know that it is rarely an easy task. Sensa weight loss products makes that job a little easier by convincing the appetite centers in the brain that you are actually satisfied and full, but with a smaller amount of food.

The underlying product concept uses the senses of smell and taste. During meals, the body is designed to know when to stop. This happens not only because the stomach is full, but also because taste and smell receptors in the brain have triggered the release of natural hormones telling diners when they have had enough.

The product contains flavor crystals named tastants. They are meant to be sprinkled over foods before eating, and are designed to actually enhance flavors. They impart a feeling of comfort and fullness, rather than that familiar dieting deprivation and hunger. The body gets tricked into thinking it has eaten more, and this decrease in intake translates to lost pounds.

No radical changes to favorite eating habits are necessary. There are no expensive memberships or food deliveries. The appropriate crystals are simply sprinkled on food before it is eaten, and then sniffed. While that may sound a little strange, the sniffing actually causes the olfactory sensors to release the hormones that tell us we are full.

These tastant crystals are available in both savory and sweet variations, including such favorites as parmesan, cheddar cheese and ranch flavors, and also chocolate, strawberry and mint. Sensa kits include not only a starter supply of these sprinkles, but also instructions and a healthy eating guide. The system can work for both women and men, and is simple and easy to use.

Important ingredients include a type of corn-based starch called maltodextrin, a substance already in wide use as a sweetener and food additive. Tricalcium phosphate is another primary ingredient, and may cause certain types of side effects in some people. Traces of milk and soy may also be found, usually due to the requirements of the manufacturing process.

The overall results, like any diet regimen, vary by individual. Before embarking on any new diet program it is a good idea to check with your doctor, as well as doing your own thorough research. In combination with other good health habits such as exercise, the Sensa weight loss program may prove to be an important part of dropping those unwanted pounds permanently.

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